
Description : Creates a data block of time-delay embedding from each of the columnNames in the dataFrame.

Python :

MakeBlock(dataFrame, E=0, tau=-1, columnNames=[], deletePartial=False)

R :

MakeBlock(dataFrame, E = 0, tau = -1, columns = c(), deletePartial = FALSE)

Parameter Type Default Purpose
dataFrame pyEDM: pandas DataFrame
rEDM: data.frame
None Input DataFrame
E int 0 Data dimension
tau int -1 Embedding shift. Negative: lag, positive: future
columnNames [] "" List of column names
deletePartial bool False Remove rows with NaNs from embedding

Notes : Refer to the parameters table for general parameter definitions.

The columnNames is a list of column names.

The time column is not included in the returned DataFrame.

The MakeBlock function is a low level function that does not perform error checking. The Embed function provides error checking and file-based input.

Returns : DataFrame with embedded columns.